Funny how things happen I was going to use my Dragon to update a post on my website earlier. I wasn’t thinking and had the fan one. As soon as I turned on the mike I started to get HIM Him Him Um Him Him Him Um… Apparently I can’t use my dragon and my fan at the same time. Lesson learned.
Monthly Archives: June 2012
A funny thing happened to me on the way to my website.
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Filed under Computer Software
WordPress vs iPad
Well it seems the iPad and WordPress don’t really like each other. One of the first things I noticed, was while editing a page, if I added a new paragraph and then went back, my iPad would not let me go forward into the new paragraph again, I can only get into the old one. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I decided to add a new page and add it to my menu. I did not think about the fact that the iPad being a touchscreen would not allow me to move menu items around by touching and moving. In fact I have not been able to determine how to move a menu item with my iPad.
Overall it was a bad experience attempting to work on WordPress for my iPad. As convenient as the iPad is I decided to do all my WordPress editing, unless it is something quick, from my PC. As much as I don’t like the idea. I’ve decided I need to get another network and use that for all my editing. The iPad seems so promising. I thought it would make my life so much easier. Apparently I was wrong all this have to do it all the old way.
On the other hand I started to use Dragon Naturally Speaking. Though the two of us fight somewhat over the words it is made life much easier. I am not a touch typist. I tend to call myself a biblical typist. by this I mean I use a seek and you shall find method of typing. Sometimes I have to seek a little longer but other times.
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scrivener is it any good?
I am reading The Secind Mouse Gets the Cheese by Carolyn Schriber and one of the programs she recommends to writers is scrivener. I had never heard of it before so decided to take a look and see what I think of it. I downloaded and installed a thirty day trial of it last night and am reading the tutorial. They tell me it should take about two hours to go through it. Once I get backtomy computer I will dig into it and see what I think. My main concern is how well the spell checker works on it. As a creative speller I really need a good spell checker and even then sometimes the one in Microsoft word throws up its hands in dispare and gives up one me. Of course I will use my Dragon software which I hope will save me a lot of typing. Stay tuned for more information as I experiment with both of these tools.
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