Don’t you just hate it when you wake up in the middle of the night still wanting to sleep but your mind says no. I’m having one of those nights so I find myself thinking about my books and making some updates to my websites. The other night I had a detailed dream that got me thinking about another book this one is Zerham’s Star in my dream I saw the whole thing played out and awoke knowing I had to at least get some of it down before I lost it, and so another story begins.
My goal with this New Year is to set aside time every day to write. I want to get my first book out during the first quarter of the year and go from there.
One of the problems I’ve been having is that I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head that I keep jumping from idea to idea. So for the most part I’ve picked a couple of them to concentrate on, unless something else comes up I am making an effort to get them out of my head and into a book.
My first book is going to be one I’ve started on WordPress. I’ve worked in the computer industry most of my life so it just makes since to start there. I am also working on a Christian themed book then I want to dive into Kavilion. Kavilion is the series that started it all, I told my future wife about it when we were courting and she’s been after me to write it ever since, so Kavilion is truly for her.